Archive for July 2nd, 2009

Disable The Firewall In Redhat Enterprise Linux From Command Line

Sometimes you need to disable the firewall in Linux from the command line. A good example is when you create a Xen virtual machine & configure VNC access. By default, the VM will boot up in init level 3 which is text mode and doesn't have a graphical desktop. After...
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Creating An HTTP Xen Redhat Installation Repository

If you create a lot of virtual machines using the Citrix XenCenter, you'll want to create an installation repository somewhere containing the installation software.  You need an http server & the installation .iso file for your particular version of Linux. Here's how to create an http repository for Redhat 5.3...
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Mounting An .iso File In Linux

Many times it is convenient to mount an .iso file without burning it to a CD or DVD. Here's an example of how to mount an .iso file in Linux: mkdir /mnt/redhat_disk2 mount -o loop -t iso9660 rhel-server-5.3-x86_64-disk2.iso /mnt/redhat_disk2...
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