Linux Archive

Flushing Your DNS Cache

Many applications cache DNS entries to speed up DNS lookups in the event you request resources from the same server. Sometimes you need to flush this DNS cache if you know for a fact that a DNS entry has changed. How do you do that? Flushing DNS On Windows H:\>ipconfig /flushdns Windows IP...
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Mounting A Windows File Share On Linux

To mount a Windows file share on Linux, first create the file share on Windows and give the appropriate permissions to the user. Then, on Linux you want to do the following: Create a directory for the mount point mkdir -p /mnt/windows/backups Use the mount command to mount the Windows share: mount -t cifs //yourwindowsserver/backups...
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SSH Login No Password Prompt

Sometimes on Linux, you want to automatically login to a machine using ssh without being prompted for a password. How do you set this up? First you need to generate a public/private key pair on the server you will be connecting from, lets call it SERVERFROM ssh-keygen -t rsa You could also use -t...
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Vinteros Is Now A Centos Mirror Site

Vinteros, Inc. is now a Centos mirror site. You can download Centos Linux from our mirror server
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Configure The Network Card In Redhat 5.3 Advanced Server

Somtimes you need to configure or reconfigure your network settings. What options are available for doing that? In Redhat (applies to Fedora & Centos too), there are 3 different methods for configuring the network settings: [1] Command line text based GUI tool (No X Windows required) - system-config-network [2] Edit configuration files...
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Disable The Firewall In Redhat Enterprise Linux From Command Line

Sometimes you need to disable the firewall in Linux from the command line. A good example is when you create a Xen virtual machine & configure VNC access. By default, the VM will boot up in init level 3 which is text mode and doesn't have a graphical desktop. After...
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Mounting An .iso File In Linux

Many times it is convenient to mount an .iso file without burning it to a CD or DVD. Here's an example of how to mount an .iso file in Linux: mkdir /mnt/redhat_disk2 mount -o loop -t iso9660 rhel-server-5.3-x86_64-disk2.iso /mnt/redhat_disk2...
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Checking An MD5 Hash

Validating An MD5 Hash MD5 (message digest algorithm 5) is a cryptographic hash that generates a 128-bit digital signature of a message. The message could be text or a file. The md5 message is a unique id and in theory, no two files could ever have the same md5 hash. ...
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